Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blog 23: Final Lesson Reflection

(1) Positive Statement

What are you most proud of in your block presentation and/or your senior project? Why?

I am most proud of my spirit and the fact that I went up and did my best. I am also proud that I shared a bit of myself in my presentation because now I feel as though a few of my burdens have been lifted upon me. I don’t really share a lot about my past but now that I can, I’m comfortable.

(2) Questions to Consider

a. What assessment would you give yourself on your block presentation (self-assessment)?

AE    P       AP    CR    NC

I would give myself a “P” mostly because I tried my best to do a good presentation and to not try making people fall asleep. All the effort I’ve put in to make this presentation go on and be aesthetically pleasing took a lot of my time. And my sleep. I’m glad it’s over now, somewhat. But I’ve still got lots to do! X0

b. What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?

AE    P       AP    CR    NC

AP. I wish for a P if I turn in everything. I feel as though I’ve focused on the wrong thing. Now that I know what I need to go do the right thing to complete my project. I can finally finish it.

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?

My mentor, she’s the one who made my project function for me so that I could finish and accomplish my work that I needed to do. Also, she’s the one who brought me up when I broke down on my senior project.

(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?

I would not focus too much of my time on being “perfect” with ALL my compenents.

(5) Finding Value

How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?   Be specific and use examples.

It has helped me re-create a better mindset for myself. I’ve always thought the worst/bad in myself because it was hard to do anything right or finished. I was so upset at who I was that I didn't know who I was. I refused to acknowledge my accomplishments as well as myself. To this day, I still don’t know who I am actually, but, I feel as though, I can become what I aspire to be just so long as I can pick myself up. That’s what I’ve learned here.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Blog 21: Exit Interview

(1) What is your essential question, and what are your answers?  What is your best answer and why?
  • What type of therapy is most successful in finding coping mechanisms for personally-conflicted clients? My best answer is Individual Therapy because it regard  focus on strengths rather than focusing on the weakness. The main point of it is to solve general problems in life or moralities. Without pondering too much upon what you could have done. And think about what you can do. People can use this for everyday situations, projects and to reach goals. And is a very positive way to build even stronger selves through sheer belief in our own abilities.
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
  • My mentor was the one who brought this up. One time I was really down and I didn’t know what to do anymore. She told me to focus on finding solutions and imagine what to do if I didn’t have anything to hold me back. So I did and I eventually made it through. I then researched this form of therapy and based my answer off of it.   
(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?
  • Over the course of the Senior Project and the Senior year in general, I’ve always stumbled on making everything aesthetically pleasing. I never really turn in work I would consider less and it became my setback in my work. It accumulated into many more pieces of work I needed to do and I eventually broke down, on many occasions. Luckily, my psychologist happened to help me on these times and I was able to work on. Though I’m still behind with sorts of things.
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?

  • My mentor to me is my most important source. She was the one who provided me my answers to my confusion, she also provided my books that I used to collect research, my interviewees, and my own moral support. The second most important source is a book, lent to me from my psychologist. It’s called Themes and Variations of Psychology 5th Edition by Wayne Weiton. This helped me find varieties and ideas of different types and ranges of fields regarding my topic.  

Blog 20

Blog 19

Friday, March 13, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Preparation

Content: Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. The focus of your questions should be on your answer to your EQ.
  • How long would it take for a client to be more open to you?
  • What are the usual results for CBT?
  • What would you do if a client implies committing suicide?
  • What would you do if a client says that their friend is committing suicide?
  • What are the procedures in treating a suicidal client?
  • What is your opinion on Interpersonal Psychology?
  • Is interpersonal psychology effective? Why or why not?
  • Are parents involved in therapies often?
  • Do you think its better to have a parent present at a therapy?
  • What is the relationship between a parent’s personality to their child’s?
  • Do you think clients can fully recover from a mental disorder?
  • What do you think is most common with your clients?
  • Where do you think a client most develops his/her personal conflicts?
  • How big is a factor of a home environment?
  • School environment?
  • What are the common symptoms of depression? Is it made of of many or just as it is?
  • What approaches are common in therapies in general?

If you have already interviewed someone two times, you aren't allowed to interview that same person without House teacher approval.

The interview itself is not due until Friday, April 17th to However, we want to give you as much time as possible, so we are asking you to complete the blog now. Remember that in addition to turning in the interview, you also need to turn in the verification sheet to your House teacher.

Blog 17: Answer 3

Just like you did for answer 1 and 2 post your:
  • EQ
    • What type of therapy is most successful in finding coping mechanisms for personally-conflicted clients?
  • Answer #3 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*
    • IPT (Interpersonal Therapy) is most effective in finding coping mechanisms because it focuses on the relationships between a client and a situation. It doesn’t go in depth with one’s personality.
  • 3 details to support the answer (a detail is a fact and an example)
    • Instead of having to change who you are, you can develop better communication skills through sessions with others instead.
    • It treats depression more effectively.
    • You are able to find other solutions through being more open in your mind rather that doing things out of convenience.
  • The research source (s) to support your details and answer.
    • My mentor
  • Concluding Sentence
    • You don’t need to change in order to make yourself better, you can just be more open to ideas and other solutions.

*Write your answer like you would write a thesis statement.  Please don't give us one or two words or start your sentence with "by". Thanks!

Blog 16: Answer 2

1.  What is your EQ?
  • What type of therapy is most successful in finding coping mechanisms for personally-conflicted clients?
2.  What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
  • Group Therapy is an effective way to find coping mechanisms because it focuses on finding a balance within yourself to interact with other individuals
3.  What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is an effective way to find coping mechanisms because it focuses on how you feel about yourself and find a more in-depth resolution on why you feel a certain way.
4.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
  • CBT is more effective because you can find your problems more accurately.
  • CBT is mostly one-on-one, which would make a client feel a little more open to a professional.
  • With the full focus of a psychologist, he/she can support a client with more detailed observances and suggest better/open suggestions.
5.  What printed source best supports your answer?
  • The Key Concepts of Cognitive Psychology
6.  What other source supports your answer?
  • Themes and Variations of Cognitive Psychology
7.  Tie this together with a  concluding thought.
  • All, in all, people are not the same. How a client wants their environment is up to them. It depends a lot on their preferences, whether they would like one-on-one or be in a group.

On Friday, 2/20 for Advisory #2, you will be presenting what you have from this blog.  The presentation is more like a share-out and should not last longer than 2 minutes. You don't need a visual, and you should not read what you have written.  

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

Please review the component contract on page 12 of the senior project packet.   The Independent Component 2 is an opportunity for you to add a dimension of creativity and/or an additional outlet for research.  The goal of the component is for you to explore your answers in more depth.  On Friday, April 24, 2014, you will be turning in the following to your blog to prove completion of this component:

  • Log of hours on an digital spreadsheet (with total number of hours included)
  • Evidence of the 30 hours of work (e.g. transcript, essays, tests, art work,  photographs) as digital artifacts.
    • My mentor will call.
  • LIA

The senior team expects that your log will be on the right hand side of your blog in the Senior Project Hours link.   In addition to this,  we expect that you will be able to prove the total 30 hours of work by submitting evidence to the blog by the due date.  For this blog post and approval, please answer the following questions.

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
  • I will continue attending group therapy sessions.
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
  • I will co-facilitate the sessions with my psychologist.
3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.
  • It will enhance my research as I observe my peers
4.  Post a log in your Senior Project Hours link and label it "Independent Component 2" log.
  • Link

Your answers to the questions should be supported with details and examples for the senior team to understand what you plan to do.   Once we review your Blog Post 15, your house teacher will discuss with you the approval of your plan.  If it is approved, please start working on it.  If it is not approved, your house teacher will explain why.  It is your job to address the concerns so you can get your component approved.

Monday, February 9, 2015

January Post

Not so many things has happened in this month, rather than the New Year and the Lesson 2 Plan. I simply researched and went to sessions with Mrs. Eastwood in this month. That's all I have to say.

Blog 14: Independent Component 1


  • (a) Write: “I, __________________________, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents ____ hours of work.”
    • I Lauren Coronado, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 20 hours of work.
  • (b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.
    • Mrs. Eastwood.
  • (c) Update your hours in your Senior Project Hours link. Make sure it is clearly labeled with hours for individual sessions as well as total hours.
    • Link
  • (d) Explain what you completed.
    • I have completed some sessions of group therapy and sessions of therapy just with Mrs. Eastwood.
  • Defend your work and explain its significance to your project and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.  
    • These sessions give me the experience and the knowledge I need for my answer to my essential question.
  • How did the component help you understand the foundation of your topic better?  Please include specific examples to illustrate this.
    • Sessions help involve people to learn from themselves and from others. Learning from my other peers has helped me better understand myself.
Grading Criteria
  • Updated log in Senior Project Hours Link
  • Evidence of 30 hours of work
  • LIA submitted to blog

Blog 13: Lesson 2 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?
  • I spoke loudly, clearly, and everyone knew what I was saying. I have nailed the personality part of my presentation.

2. a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?
AE    P       AP    CR    NC
  • AP

    b. Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.
  • I may not have all the components to get a “P” on this presentation, but at least my lecture was good, I guess.

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?
  • My presence and my personality. At least I kept people awake.

4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?
  • Dunno. Work on the technical stuff I guess. To busy being mad at myself for not doing so great.

5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

December Blog

Ah, December, the time of the year where I'm broke and have nothing to give to my friends or family... For shame Lauren. For shame...But, anyways. Project. Its going okay. Still working at it. Having some stumbles here and there. Nevertheless, I will prevail against this endeavor of procrastination. So, all I've been doing do far is my mentorship, research, and gathering experience through my independent component. I mean, for this month of December. Its going. Its going.


Blog 12: Mentorship 10 Hours

1.   Where are you doing your mentorship?
  • Here at school, Mrs. Eastwood works here as the school psychologist, so its pretty easy to get a hold of her if I have a question.

2.   Who is your contact?
  • Sarah Eastwood. She works here for this school. I often see her on Mondays and Tuesdays. The other counselors who work alongside her also has her contacts. I often turn to them if I needed to call her.

3.   How many  hours have you done during the school year? (Summer Mentorship Hours and Mentorship Hours should be reflected separately in your Senior Project Hours log located on the right hand side of your blog).
  • I have done about 25 hours of mentorship. Not including my summer hours. For most of the time, I do one-on-one therapy and some small things for her, help her with her word document when she needs it.

4.   Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.
  • I mostly do independent component with her. one-on-one therapy or group therapy.

*You need 50 hours plus the original 10 in the summer by May.   The original 10 from the summer do not count toward the 50.  By the end of the year, you will have 60 hours counting that original 10.

Blog 11: Holiday Project Update

1.  It is important to consistently work on your senior project, whether it is break or we are in school.  What did you do over the break with your senior project?
  • For the most part, I just stayed at home to study on my new books on my topic, read about mental disorders online, and worked on my PowerPoint for my project.
2.  What was the most important thing you learned from what you did, and why?  What was the source of what you learned?
  • The most important thing I have learned is that child development plays a big part into future mental disorders or difficulties. I read a lot about mental disorders online, and found that most are caused by either household and peer pressures.
3.  If you were going to do a 10 question interview on questions related to answers for your EQ, who would you talk to and why?
  • I would talk to my mentor for this interview. I feel that this upcoming interview would be more important than the rest. I don't really know why, but I really would like to interview my mentor for this. Perhaps its because I feel as though I could ask better questions and have an easier time to communicate with her.